While scrolling through my pinterest pages a few weeks ago,
I came to my sour dough starter pins.
I thought why don't I start another starter.
The pipeliners schedule will keep us home most of the summer.
If we have to go out of town it will be in the camper and the starter can come along too!
(airport security really frown upon bringing sourdough starter on the plane)
I had researched starters when I first got interested in the idea.
I know I even posted something on my blog.
I selected and ordered a starter from Carls Friends
It came alive fast.
I baked fresh bread, rolls, cupcakes and scones from the various
recipes I found online.
Mmmmm they were so good!
Then we moved and I let it die!
The other day my new batch of sour dough starter arrived in the mail.
I was so excited to get my new batch going!
It was very active the next day!
Today I switched it over to a bigger jar.
It is already bubbling away!
I am so excited to start making sour dough bread again, plus all of the yummy pancakes I used to make with it.
Does anybody else keep a sour dough starter on hand?
Do you have any great sour dough recipes?
I would love for you to share!
I will post an entry of my first sour dough creation when starter
becomes ready.